On Personal Development and Flocks of Birds

The Kineo team is a colorful mix of fascinating personalities who support each other in their jobs but also in personal development. Want to find out what this has to do with a flock of Quelea birds? Keep reading.

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Kineo.ai team
Kineo.ai team
Kineo.ai team

How we work

The Quelea bird perfectly symbolizes our corporate culture and way of thinking. Quelea flocks can consist of thousands of individual agile birds. Regardless of the number of birds, they can organize themselves without needing a clearly defined hierarchy. A bird can sometimes be a leader and sometimes a follower. It trusts in swarm intelligence and knows that it can leverage its full potential in a team. Not having hierarchies is something we don't do “just because.” We do it to enable the personal growth of each individual in our team. The lack of hierarchy is exactly the building block that creates freedom to take on leadership and responsibility. We create a safe environment to make difficult decisions. With us, every person has a mentor to support them in their personal development.

Continuous and constructive feedback is a core value at ​​Kineo. Various forums; such as the monthly Retro or 360° feedback session conducted every four months, help us to share feedback regularly.

We are convinced that balance has a strong influence on a person's performance. For this reason, we pay attention to encouraging a healthy work-life balance. Whether it's happy parenthood or personal fulfilment, it's balance that gives us the energy to do our best every day.

Equality and diversity are core values ​​in our team and our organization. This is reflected on various levels, including transparent salaries tied to fixed levels. Everyone knows the levels of their colleagues. We also have a DEI chapter that actively promotes diversity, equality and inclusion in our organizational development.

Do you also want to make a difference by working on important, socially responsible projects and having a team behind you that keeps you going? Then please apply and let’s fly.


Let's get right to the point

AI & Research

"Das Team bei Kineo ist großartig und macht die Arbeit leicht! Jeden Tag lerne ich etwas Neues dazu, und es wird nie langweilig."

Sales & Marketing

"Ich bin einfach hoch motiviert der Erste im Büro um 7:45 Uhr. Wtf. Entweder liegt es am guten Kaffee oder daran, dass ich meinen Job liebe. Vermutlich beides."


"Für mich ist Kineo ein Ort, an dem eigenverantwortliches und nachhaltiges persönliches Wachstum wirklich etabliert ist!"

AI & Research

“Die wichtigsten Aspekte der Arbeit bei Kineo sind für mich: das Team, das Vertrauen und die Offenheit gegenüber Fehlern.”

AI & Research

"Wir sind nicht perfekt, aber uns dessen bewusst und reflektieren gemeinsam wie wir für eine moderne und diverse Arbeitskultur sorgen können."


"Kineo is where your career meets its happily-ever-after! It isn't just a workplace; it's a friendly, transparent, and enjoyable experience."

Sales & Marketing

"Ich arbeite bei Kineo, weil reale Herausforderungen in der Wirtschaft gelöst werden (Fachkräftemangel etc.). KI ist hier kein Buzzword sondern Kern jedes Projekts."

AI & Research

"Having fun with my colleagues, learning about the latest developments in AI, and applying this knowledge in practice to help clients. A (win)³ I would say."

Software Engineers

"Berlin may sometimes be a gray city, but not our office! A very vibrant place for laughs, hard work and excitement for AI!"

Sales & Marketing

"Für mich ist Kineo ein Umfeld, in dem Feedback- und Fehlerkultur sowie hierarchiefreies Arbeiten wirklich gelebt wird und in dem ich sehr aufgehe."

AI & Research

“Ich fühle mich einfach sehr wohl, ob im Büro oder Homeoffice.”

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